Gailloud Asset Management AG


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The content of the website was carefully crafted and is subject to regular updates by Gailloud Asset Management AG. The information on the website is provided to the viewer by courtesy of Gailloud Asset Management AG and shall in no case be considered as a service. Thus, Gailloud Asset Management AG can neither guarantee the accuracy, completeness nor timeliness of the website content. By using the information published on this website, the user does so at its own risk.


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Data protection and data safety

Gailloud Asset Management AG complies with the regulations regarding data protection, namely the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection and all related regulations. Gailloud Asset Management AG is committed to securing its systems with state-of-the-art technology, programs, etc. so long as it can directly influence them.

Users of the website as well as customers should be aware that, even with the best software development and system maintenance practices, errors can occur. Gailloud Asset Management AG thus cannot be held accountable for website or service interruptions.

Gailloud Asset Management AG explicitly rejects any liability and damages arising out of defects or disruptions for which it is not responsible, especially for security defects and service interruptions of services provided by third-parties with which it cooperates or on which it is dependent.

Furthermore, Gailloud Asset Management AG cannot be held liable for force majeure, clumsy usage or neglect of the risks on the part of users or third-parties, excessive use, unsuitable computational resources of the users or third-parties, extreme environmental influences, user intervention or disruptions caused by third-parties (viruses, worms, etc.) that occur despite security measures taken.

Zürich, 5th July 2018